repeated Field Type

This is a special field “group”, that creates two identical fields whose values must match (or a validation error is thrown). The most common use is when you need the user to repeat his or her password or email to verify accuracy.

Rendered as input text field by default, but see type option
Inherited options
Parent type field
Class Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\RepeatedType

Example Usage

$builder->add('password', 'repeated', array(
    'type' => 'password',
    'invalid_message' => 'The password fields must match.',
    'options' => array('label' => 'Password'),

Upon a successful form submit, the value entered into both of the “password” fields becomes the data of the password key. In other words, even though two fields are actually rendered, the end data from the form is just the single value (usually a string) that you need.

The most important option is type, which can be any field type and determines the actual type of the two underlying fields. The options option is passed to each of those individual fields, meaning - in this example - any option supported by the password type can be passed in this array.


One of the key features of the repeated field is internal validation (you don’t need to do anything to set this up) that forces the two fields to have a matching value. If the two fields don’t match, an error will be shown to the user.

The invalid_message is used to customize the error that will be displayed when the two fields do not match each other.

Field Options


type: string default: text

The two underlying fields will be of this field type. For example, passing a type of password will render two password fields.


type: array default: array()

This options array will be passed to each of the two underlying fields. In other words, these are the options that customize the individual field types. For example, if the type option is set to password, this array might contain the options always_empty or required - both options that are supported by the password field type.


type: string default: first

This is the actual field name to be used for the first field. This is mostly meaningless, however, as the actual data entered into both of the fields will be available under the key assigned to the repeated field itself (e.g. password). However, if you don’t specify a label, this field name is used to “guess” the label for you.


type: string default: second

The same as first_name, but for the second field.

Inherited options

These options inherit from the field type:


type: string default: This value is not valid

This is the validation error message that’s used when the data entered is determined by internal validation of a field type. This might happen, for example, if the user enters a string into a time field that cannot be converted into a real time. For normal validation messages (such as when setting a minimum length for a field), set the validation messages with your validation rules (reference).


type: array default: array()

When setting the invalid_message option, you may need to include some variables in the string. This can be done by adding placeholders to that option and including the variables in this option:

$builder->add('some_field', 'some_type', array(
    // ...
    'invalid_message'            => 'You entered an invalid value - it should include %num% letters',
    'invalid_message_parameters' => array('%num%' => 6),


type: Boolean default: false

If true, any errors for this field will be passed to the parent field or form. For example, if set to true on a normal field, any errors for that field will be attached to the main form, not to the specific field.



radio Field Type


search Field Type



現在、翻訳が古くなっている箇所が多くあります。1箇所、1行などほんの少量でもかまいませんので、ドキュメント翻訳にご協力いただける方を募集しています。日本 Symfony ユーザー会メーリングリストまでご連絡ください。