time Field Type

A field to capture time input.

This can be rendered as a text field, a series of text fields (e.g. hour, minute, second) or a series of select fields. The underlying data can be stored as a DateTime object, a string, a timestamp or an array.

Underlying Data Type can be DateTime, string, timestamp, or array (see the input option)
Rendered as can be various tags (see below)
Parent type form
Class Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TimeType

Basic Usage

This field type is highly configurable, but easy to use. The most important options are input and widget.

Suppose that you have a startTime field whose underlying time data is a DateTime object. The following configures the time type for that field as three different choice fields:

$builder->add('startTime', 'time', array(
    'input'  => 'datetime',
    'widget' => 'choice',

The input option must be changed to match the type of the underlying date data. For example, if the startTime field’s data were a unix timestamp, you’d need to set input to timestamp:

$builder->add('startTime', 'time', array(
    'input'  => 'timestamp',
    'widget' => 'choice',

The field also supports an array and string as valid input option values.

Field Options


type: string default: choice

The basic way in which this field should be rendered. Can be one of the following:

  • choice: renders two (or three if with_seconds is true) select inputs.
  • text: renders a two or three text inputs (hour, minute, second).
  • single_text: renders a single input of type text. User’s input will be validated against the form hh:mm (or hh:mm:ss if using seconds).


type: string default: datetime

The format of the input data - i.e. the format that the date is stored on your underlying object. Valid values are:

  • string (e.g. 12:17:26)
  • datetime (a DateTime object)
  • array (e.g. array('hour' => 12, 'minute' => 17, 'second' => 26))
  • timestamp (e.g. 1307232000)

The value that comes back from the form will also be normalized back into this format.


type: Boolean default: false

Whether or not to include seconds in the input. This will result in an additional input to capture seconds.


type: integer default: 1 to 23

List of hours available to the hours field type. This option is only relevant when the widget option is set to choice.


type: integer default: 1 to 59

List of minutes available to the minutes field type. This option is only relevant when the widget option is set to choice.


type: integer default: 1 to 59

List of seconds available to the seconds field type. This option is only relevant when the widget option is set to choice.


type: string default: system default timezone

Timezone that the input data is stored in. This must be one of the PHP supported timezones


type: string default: system default timezone

Timezone for how the data should be shown to the user (and therefore also the data that the user submits). This must be one of the PHP supported timezones



textarea Field Type


timezone Field Type





現在、翻訳が古くなっている箇所が多くあります。1箇所、1行などほんの少量でもかまいませんので、ドキュメント翻訳にご協力いただける方を募集しています。日本 Symfony ユーザー会メーリングリストまでご連絡ください。